
Android development tutorials. Bigger content articles that aim to help one achieve or learn something in a guided/step by step pace.

Kotlin collections and mutability
Articles, Tutorials

Kotlin Mutable and Immutable Collections

In this article I would like to emphasise over a few options that we have when working with data structure and more precisely with collections in a mutable and immutable fashion. So let’s start with a few of them and see their mutability state. But first, what makes a list mutable or immutable? Immutable Collections

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Android Simple Section RecylerView

In this tutorial I will create a simple Sectioned RecyclerView that will show 2 sections and a few items in each section and how to move an item from one section to another. Note: For RecyclerView I used AndroidX imports and not android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView Setup We need to import the recycler view from AndroidX. The build.gradle

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Solutions, Tutorials

Xamarin Forms: ActivityIndicator Size

We all will need at some point to show an activity indicator when our app has to perform lenghty data processing operations or when we have to wait for our app to load content. In Xamarin Forms we can use in a xaml file this property called ActivityIndicator. Below is the result of the above

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Xamarin Forms: Circle With Label No Renderer

In your application you might need to create a Circle image with a text inside it or just a simple circle that needs different colors for status for example. In this case we can use a Frame and add CornerRadius property like this: As you can see, there are more properties added like HasShadow or

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Solutions, Tutorials

Kotlin RecyclerView with Click Listener

Create a RecyclerView in Android with Kotlin – A Step-by-Step Guide In today’s tutorial we’ll learn how to create a RecyclerView in Kotlin for Android with items that are clickable. This approach, distinct from the traditional ListView, offers a more dynamic and flexible way to display a scrollable list. Read on to discover how to

Solutions, Tutorials

ListView with ViewHolder in Kotlin

In this post we will create a ListView with ViewHolder adapter but we will write the code in Kotlin. For creating xml files for ListView and list items, follow the steps from this post. Next, you have to create a new Kotlin class for the adapter. Name the new created file MyCustomAdapter MyCustomAdapter.kt import android.content.Context import


Kotlin – for, while, if, when

Control flow: for, while, if, when This post is for beginners who want to start learning Kotlin language and already know Java. We will show simple examples of for, while, if, when in both languages, in parallel, for an easier understanding. We will use Log.e in order to print string messages, as from our point of view,

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Android Add Game Leaderboard

In order to display leaderboards from your game you will have to set up your project and to be signed in. Below you will learn how to do this. Project Setup Download the Android samples from https://github.com/playgameservices/android-basic-samples Import BaseGameUtils into your project as module  Go to the directory where you downloaded android-basic-samples and select libraries -> BaseGameUtils If you get

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Android ViewPager Tutorial

In Android, if you need to swipe from right to left or vice-versa in order to see different data, you can use a ViewPager. In order to use it, you have to implement a PagerAdapter which will generate the pages that the view shows. ViewPager’s adapters We can use one of the 3 adapters provided:

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Android ViewPager Cube Animation

After trying some libraries in order to make a cube animation for my viewPager, I realized that is pretty easy to do this. Android provides an interface called ViewPager.PageTransformer and you just have to implement its method transformPage(). Below is the code, step by step. activity_main.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android” xmlns:tools=”http://schemas.android.com/tools” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:layout_height=”match_parent” tools:context=”ro.helpproject.funcode.help.MainActivity”>

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Functions in Kotlin

In this post I will talk about 5 cool things that functions can do in Kotlin, better than methods in Java.   1. Forget about overloaded methods In Java, when you need the same method to have 1 parameter in one case and more parameters in another case, you would have to overload the method.

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Anonymous Functions and Lambdas – Kotlin

Note! This is a post for beginners in Kotlin language. What are lambdas and anonymous functions? In order to define them let’s see what is a function literal. Function literal Function literal is a function that was not declared, but was passed as an expression. val sum = { a: Int, b: Int -> a + b

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