
Snippets, Solutions

SQLite Query For Dates Equals To Today

Let’s start with an example: We have a table called StartDate with some dates stored into it as long (milliseconds) like in the image below: To understand better which date represents each record I will write below their dates: 1. Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:10:17 PM GMT 2. Friday, February 1, 2013 8:10:17 PM GMT 3. Wednesday, February […]

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Android How To Pull Out The Database

In Android you can pull out the database only from emulator (you could pull out the database from a phone/device only if it is rooted). So if you want to pull out the database from emulator you should use ddms (ddms is located in Android sdk folder e.g. my Android folder is installed ProgramFiles so

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Android Database Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show how to use a database in Android by creating the tables and columns using the SQLite Database Browser.1. So the first step is to download the SQLite Database Browser2. Make a new project and name the main java class that generates with the project “MyActivity”. 3. Now you have to go

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Solutions, Tutorials

Android SQLite Ignore Case from Database

If you want to select data from Database and you want to ignore the case of letters you should use COLLATE NOCASE in your query: “SELECT * FROM  myDataBaseName WHERE some_column= some_value COLLATE NOCASE” It’s not exactly an android issue but you might need some day in your android projects, so I hope it helps

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