

Android: Send SMS to Emulator

The Android emulator has support for receiving text messages. You can send a SMS to an emulator by using the command line. So the first step is: 1. Be sure you have the Telnet Client feature on To enable the Telnet feature on windows you have to make the following steps: Go to Control Panel […]

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Info, Solutions, Tutorials

Android Get A Faster Emulator

The native emulator is very slow in Android. But, you can make a faster emulator using Intel Atom x86, but only if your computer has an Intel processor. Now, you have to follow some steps in order to use the Intel Atom x86 Emulator. Step 1: Enable Intel Virtualization from BIOS Step 2: Install the

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Android How To Pull Out The Database

In Android you can pull out the database only from emulator (you could pull out the database from a phone/device only if it is rooted). So if you want to pull out the database from emulator you should use ddms (ddms is located in Android sdk folder e.g. my Android folder is installed ProgramFiles so

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