

Android: CoordinatorLayout RecyclerView First Item not visible

Problem I had to implement a Toolbar with tabs, together with CoordinatorLayout, and the content of each tab had to be a list of items, for which I used RecyclerView. But when I ran the app, the first item in the list was overlapped by the tabs, so it was not fully visible. This is how my xml […]

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Android: RecyclerView Tutorial

Hi,  in today’s tutorial I will show you how to create a list with the newest widget presented at Google I/O 2014, RecyclerView. Also I will show how to add click and long click events within adapter. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? is a more advanced and flexible version of ListView it forces the implementation of ViewHolder pattern

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Android: ListView with SearchView

In this tutorial I will present you how to use the SearchView using FTS3. If your data is stored in a SQLite database on the device, performing a full-text search (using FTS3, rather than a LIKE query) can provide a more robust search across text data and can produce results significantly faster. See for information about FTS3 and

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorials

Android Add Views into a ViewGroup Dynamically

As Android developer you will surely  need someday to add views dynamically, instead of creating a ListView. I will show you in this tutorial how to do this :) 1. Create a new project and call your activity “MyActivity” 2. Go to res – layout – main.xml and put the following code: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <ScrollView

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Android ListView with ViewHolder Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple ListView with a custom ListAdapter. But first, let’s see why to use ListView. Why shouldn’t we use ScrollView instead, regarding that it’s easier to create? Well your questions are good ones :) . The advantage of the ListView is that it uses an

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