Author name: Laura Prata


Android Lollipop Navigation Drawer Animation Support

In Android 5.0 (Lollipop) the Navigation Drawer has a very nice animation, the drawer icon changes into a back arrow when the slider is opened and changes back to default icon when the slider is closed. So far so good, if you develop an app for devices running only Android 5.0. But what if you […]

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Snippets, Solutions

Android: How To Change Hint’s Size

If you need to set a smaller hint for your edit text, you can set the hint this way: myEditText.setHint(Html.fromHtml( “<small><small><small>” + getString(R.string.hint) + “</small></small></small>”)); Also, you can set the size in the string resource file where is the string for the hint. <string name=”edit_text_hint”><font size=”15″>My hint string</font></string> and in the xml file just set

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Android: RecyclerView Tutorial

Hi,  in today’s tutorial I will show you how to create a list with the newest widget presented at Google I/O 2014, RecyclerView. Also I will show how to add click and long click events within adapter. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? is a more advanced and flexible version of ListView it forces the implementation of ViewHolder pattern

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Snippets, Solutions

Errors after update to Android Studio 0.8

I have just updated my Android Studio to Android Studio 0.8.2. But, after the update I kept getting these 3 errors while I was trying to run my project: 1.  First error Error:Execution failed for task > C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\tools\proguard\proguard-android-optimize.txt (The system cannot find the path specified) 2. Second error (this happened only after the

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Android Canvas Issue Starting API Level 14

Recently I had to change the target SDK on one of my applications, but by doing that, I ran into some problems with the Android Canvas.  In this application I use an animation which simulates an explosion. So, I tested my app and I noticed that everything was working OK, until I changed the target

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Android Studio: Cannot install from SDK Manager:”Access is denied.”

On Android Studio I noticed that if I try to install the android sdk files I get an error like in the image below: (I have Windows 8 on my computer) So I found out that the solution is to open the Android Studio as Administrator from where it is installed. In my case Android


Android Studio Gradle 0.9 error: Unable to load class ‘’

I had to re-install my windows, therefore I had to re-install all my programs too, including Android Studio :) So, after I had re-installed Android Studio, I kept getting a Gradle error: ” Unable to load class ‘’”. After I googled it I found the solution here. It seems that we have to delete gradle’s cache.

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