Errors after update to Android Studio 0.8

I have just updated my Android Studio to Android Studio 0.8.2. But, after the update I kept getting these 3 errors while I was trying to run my project:

1.  First error

Error:Execution failed for task 
> C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\tools\proguard\proguard-android-optimize.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)

2. Second error (this happened only after the 1st error had been fixed)

Error:Execution failed for task 
> Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:minSdkVersion 9 cannot be smaller than version L declared in library

3. Third Error (when running the app for Android L)

Error:compileSdkVersion android-L requires compiling with JDK 7

1. First error solution As a workaround I did the following steps:

  • downloaded the proguard txt file (you can download it from here:[ddownload id=”453″ text=”proguard-android.txt”]).
  •  renamed it from proguard-android to proguard-android-optimize.txt
  • created a new folder and named it proguard under
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\tools\

I don’t know exactly why I got this error as on my the other PC I did the update and everything was ok, but I found on the internet that there are other developers who had this problem (here). 2. Second error solution  So after some research I found out that in one of my modules I had this in the dependencies from build.gradle:

 compile ''

which I suppose represents the latest version which is 21.0.0.  The support libraries of the preview of Android L work only if the minSDK is Android L. So, as in my case as I didn’t want to run the app for Android L, I had to set specifically the appcompat-v7 to 20 (the latest one before Android L). Below is the code:

compile ''



3.  Third Error Solution

This means that Android L is working only with jdk 7. So in order to fix this error you have to do the following steps:

3.1. Install jdk 7. You can download the .dmg and .exe files from here.


jdk 7 download


jdk windows

3.2. After the dmg is downloded click on it to install the jdk.

3.3. After the jdk is installed open Project Structure from here:

project structure

or from File – Project Structure.

3.4.  Now JDK location should be changed from :



JDK location



New JDK Location

 Notice that on Mac OS they changed the path from /System/Library to /Library!


Change JDK location from:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45

jdk location windows


C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_55

new jdk location windows

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