
Solutions for different problems, might not contain code

Solutions, Tutorials

How to Add AdMob to Android [Deprecated]

NOTE 1: This tutorial is now deprecated. See this one instead! NOTE 2:  This project is made in Intellij. For those who use Eclipse or other IDE the integration of AdMob library will differ. You can use AdMob lib only on at least Android v3.2 (Api Level 13), so you must compile your project on

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Solutions, Tutorials

Android SSL self signed certificate pass by

This is not my work, I have just found the solution some time ago on the internetUsing the class below you can pass by the ssl certificate error that Android may throw when you are trying to connect to a self signed certified server:First the EasySSLSocketFactory class : import; import; import; import; import

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Solutions, Tutorials

Android SQLite Ignore Case from Database

If you want to select data from Database and you want to ignore the case of letters you should use COLLATE NOCASE in your query: “SELECT * FROM  myDataBaseName WHERE some_column= some_value COLLATE NOCASE” It’s not exactly an android issue but you might need some day in your android projects, so I hope it helps

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Solutions, Tutorials

Run Android Lint from command line

Not many of us use android Lint tool to scan the projects for possible performance or best practices tips. Eclipse has the Lint tool included into adt plugin so Eclipse users can take advantages of this. Ok but what about developers that use intellij IDEA or other IDE for android projects? The answer is simple,

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Solutions, Tutorials

How to import an Intellij project in android after you reinstalled your Intellij

If it happened to reinstall your Intelij and you don’t remember how to import your android projects maybe this post will help you, even a little at least. So, lets begin. Step 1: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S and the Project Structure window will open. On the left click on the project and then press the new button

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