Did You Know?

This section is dedicated to learn about different things in Android, or at least hear about them. So let’s share the information :)

Articles, Did You Know?

Kotlin Common Questions

1. Where should we keep constants in Kotlin? if you need constants to be accessed globally use const as top-level properties (not inside a class). In order to do this create a Kotlin file named Constants.kt. The file would look like this: This way you will be able to access the constants from anywhere within the […]

Did You Know?, Solutions

Signing key SHA1 fingerprints within AndroidStudio

Did you know you can get the signing SHA1 and MD5 fingerprints within AndroidStudio? Ever needed the SHA1, SHA-256 or MD5 fingerprints of your Android debug/release key/certificate? Maybe for a new API or framework that you want to integrate in your project like Firebase, Facebook or Maps? See that you can also get it from AndroidStudio, pretty

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Did You Know?

Android About ConstraintLayout

DID YOU KNOW about ConstraintLayout?   Definition ConstraintLayout is a new type of layout introduced by Android, similar to RelativeLayout but more flexible, and it is used to position UI elements relative to other UI elements by using constraints. A constraint represent the rules we have to apply in order to position our UI elements relative to

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Did You Know?

Android ApplicationId vs PackageName

You might wonder what is the difference between package name we have in AndroidManifest.xml file and ApplicationId we see in build.gradle. They seem to be the same thing, but actually they are 2 different things. So if you didn’t know what is the difference between these 2 properties, you can find out now. ApplicationId represents

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Did You Know?

Did you know about Percent Support Library

Yes, we can finally get rid of hardcoded values or nested layouts used in order to take advantage of layout_weight.  Definition Percent Support Library is a new library introduced by Google, used to set the width, height and margins for a view, using percent (%).  Usage In order to use this library you have to: 1.

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Did You Know?

Did you know about CoordinatorLayout?

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