Author name: Laura Prata


Android Simple Section RecylerView

In this tutorial I will create a simple Sectioned RecyclerView that will show 2 sections and a few items in each section and how to move an item from one section to another. Note: For RecyclerView I used AndroidX imports and not Setup We need to import the recycler view from AndroidX. The build.gradle

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Android Bottom Border Line

The simplest way to add a bottom border line to a view is this one. If you search on Google and StackOverflow you will find many ways to do this, but they seemed overly complex compared to this one. So if you ever need a border line at the bottom of a view you can


Xamarin Forms: Label LineBreakMode

You can set a LineBreakMode attribute to a Label that can have the following values: TailTruncation HeadTruncation MiddleTruncation CharacterWrap WordWrap NoWrap TailTruncation If you have a text that is to large to fit the width of your label, you can use the attribute called LineBreakMode=TailTruncation. This will display a text with “…” at the end

Solutions, Tutorials

Kotlin RecyclerView with Click Listener

Create a RecyclerView in Android with Kotlin – A Step-by-Step Guide In today’s tutorial we’ll learn how to create a RecyclerView in Kotlin for Android with items that are clickable. This approach, distinct from the traditional ListView, offers a more dynamic and flexible way to display a scrollable list. Read on to discover how to

Solutions, Tutorials

ListView with ViewHolder in Kotlin

In this post we will create a ListView with ViewHolder adapter but we will write the code in Kotlin. For creating xml files for ListView and list items, follow the steps from this post. Next, you have to create a new Kotlin class for the adapter. Name the new created file MyCustomAdapter MyCustomAdapter.kt import android.content.Context import

Articles, Did You Know?

Kotlin Common Questions

1. Where should we keep constants in Kotlin? if you need constants to be accessed globally use const as top-level properties (not inside a class). In order to do this create a Kotlin file named Constants.kt. The file would look like this: This way you will be able to access the constants from anywhere within the


Kotlin – for, while, if, when

Control flow: for, while, if, when This post is for beginners who want to start learning Kotlin language and already know Java. We will show simple examples of for, while, if, when in both languages, in parallel, for an easier understanding. We will use Log.e in order to print string messages, as from our point of view,

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