
Articles, Solutions

Android – HTML in textView

Display HTML format First we will present below what are the supported tags for a textView and what are not supported. You can skip this section if you are already familiar with these or you want to jump directly into action :) Supported tags Unsupported tags <a href=”…”> <b> <big> <blockquote> <br> <cite> <del> <dfn> […]

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Solutions, Tutorials

Load localized strings at runtime

Here is a possible solution if you want to load localized text resources on a TextView in Android. Problem: You may need to extend your app flexibility to be able to load localized texts at runtime from a web server for example. That would be to be able to add new localizations (for new countries)

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorials

Add links to a TextView in Android

Maybe you need to add links to a TextView on Android but you don’t want to use Linkify for some reasons and you also want that link to be opened when the user taps it. Here is a simple solution: yourTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml( “Text with a ” + “<a href=\”http://www.myandroidsolutions.com/\”>link to My Android Solutions</a> “)); // this is

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorials

Android Add Views into a ViewGroup Dynamically

As Android developer you will surely  need someday to add views dynamically, instead of creating a ListView. I will show you in this tutorial how to do this :) 1. Create a new project and call your activity “MyActivity” 2. Go to res – layout – main.xml and put the following code: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <ScrollView

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