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Android: How to reset score from Google Play Games leaderboards

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Solutions, Tutorial

Google Play Games API + Playground

The Problem… So I wanted to reset my score on one of my google play games here(QuickAZ) and for that I could use Google Play Games API if the user was registered as a tester in the play console. In order to easily authenticate to the service and test the API I used Google’s Playground. The only

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Solutions, Tutorial

Load localized strings at runtime

Here is a possible solution if you want to load localized text resources on a TextView in Android. Problem: You may need to extend your app flexibility to be able to load localized texts at runtime from a web server for example. That would be to be able to add new localizations (for new countries)

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Solutions, Tutorial

Make Genymotion point to localhost

I had a lot of fights with this and I think it’s better to write down the solution so I won’t waste my time looking again on google/stackoverflow for it. Maybe this will help you too! Problem You might have a local webservice or something on your machine that needs to be accessed from a

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Android Floating Action Button (FAB) Tutorial

TUTORIAL DEPRECATED Use this tutorial instead: Floating Action Button New In this tutorial I will show you how to add a Floating Action Button aka FAB, for pre Lollipop versions and for Lollipop. For pre versions it will be just a simple round button with shadow and click effect, but for Android 5.0 we will use

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorial

Add links to a TextView in Android

Maybe you need to add links to a TextView on Android but you don’t want to use Linkify for some reasons and you also want that link to be opened when the user taps it. Here is a simple solution: yourTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml( “Text with a ” + “<a href=\”http://www.myandroidsolutions.com/\”>link to My Android Solutions</a> “)); // this is

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Android Lollipop Navigation Drawer Animation Support

In Android 5.0 (Lollipop) the Navigation Drawer has a very nice animation, the drawer icon changes into a back arrow when the slider is opened and changes back to default icon when the slider is closed. So far so good, if you develop an app for devices running only Android 5.0. But what if you

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorial

Add CardView to Android OS versions below L ()

You might notice the new CardView widget on Android L preview presentation. The view can be used to display text or images and has a nice shadow. You can add that view into your project even if you don’t have the minimum API level to “L”… to do that, follow the steps below: 1.  Edit your gradle.build

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Android: RecyclerView Tutorial

Hi,  in today’s tutorial I will show you how to create a list with the newest widget presented at Google I/O 2014, RecyclerView. Also I will show how to add click and long click events within adapter. WHAT’S DIFFERENT? is a more advanced and flexible version of ListView it forces the implementation of ViewHolder pattern

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Solutions, Tutorial

How to get user location

Nowadays, knowing the location is very important for applications. Even if you want to develop a simple application that returns the coordinates, or you develop different kind of apps that need location and you need to know what is the location of the use,r this tutorial might help you. In order to get your current

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