
Solutions for different problems, might not contain code


Android Custom Edit Text Cursor Not Visible

[vc_row boxed_columns=”” section=”” vertical_centering=”” video=”” video_opts=”” multi_color_overlay=”” height=”medium” color_scheme=”” us_bg_color=”” us_text_color=”” us_bg_image=”” us_bg_video=”0″][vc_column animate=”afl” animate_delay=”0.2″][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”] Story I created a new simple project with a custom edit text without any logic (it just extends EditText). The code is the following: package com.example.customedittextcursor; import android.content.Context; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.EditText; /** * @author Diana Prața * Date:

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Solutions, Tutorial

Load localized strings at runtime

Here is a possible solution if you want to load localized text resources on a TextView in Android. Problem: You may need to extend your app flexibility to be able to load localized texts at runtime from a web server for example. That would be to be able to add new localizations (for new countries)

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Snippets, Solutions, Tutorial

Add links to a TextView in Android

Maybe you need to add links to a TextView on Android but you don’t want to use Linkify for some reasons and you also want that link to be opened when the user taps it. Here is a simple solution: yourTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml( “Text with a ” + “<a href=\”\”>link to My Android Solutions</a> “)); // this is

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Android ShareActionProvider Change Text Color

I think I spent 2 days in order to find a way of changing the text color of the ShareActionProvider. There are some posts on the internet but none worked for me. So I started to try myself each and every item attribute from @style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar. After a while I found the items I was looking for: <item name=”textAppearanceLargePopupMenu”>

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Snippets, Solutions

Android: How To Change Hint’s Size

If you need to set a smaller hint for your edit text, you can set the hint this way: myEditText.setHint(Html.fromHtml( “<small><small><small>” + getString(R.string.hint) + “</small></small></small>”)); Also, you can set the size in the string resource file where is the string for the hint. <string name=”edit_text_hint”><font size=”15″>My hint string</font></string> and in the xml file just set

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