Author name: Laura Prata


Android Custom States for State List

In this tutorial I will show you how to make some custom states which will be used on an ImageButton. Of course, this states could be used for edit text and other too, but in my example I will use ImageButton :) 1. After you create a new project with the main activity called “MyActivity” […]

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Android How To Pull Out The Database

In Android you can pull out the database only from emulator (you could pull out the database from a phone/device only if it is rooted). So if you want to pull out the database from emulator you should use ddms (ddms is located in Android sdk folder e.g. my Android folder is installed ProgramFiles so

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Snippets, Solutions

Android WebView Load URL Ignoring SSL

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a request to an URL. This tutorial might help you also, if you encountered the “Blank Page” problem (I have encountered this issue when I was trying to make a request to a secure http (“https”)). 1. Create a new project and call your java class(the

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Solutions, Tutorial

Android Hide Soft Keyboard and Show Soft Keyoard

In this tutorial I will present you how to hide the android soft keyboard and how to show it too. You might need to hide the keyboard, if, for example, you will have to put a limit of characters that can be introduced into the EditText and want to hide the keyboard when  the number

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Snippets, Solutions

Android ExpandableListView Scroll to Expanded Group Position

Once I had this problem: I had an ExapandableListView with groups and children. When I wanted to expand a group the list was scrolling to the end every time. After a little search I’ve figured it out what the problem was. In my xml file where my ExpandableListView was created, I had this attribute: android:transcriptMode=”alwaysScroll”

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Solutions, Tutorial

Android Multi-Touch: Two Fingers Tapping Once

For my project I had to add a feature where the user should use two fingers and tap with both of them at the same time in order to show view.  this behaviour is not very common on Android but I had to implement it anyway. So after I did some research,  and tried multiple

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Solutions, Tutorial

Android Broadcast Receiver Example with Parcelable

In this tutorial I will show you how to use Broadcast Receiver and how to use Parcelable too. To do this, we will create an ExpandableList which will have parents and children(they will contain only their names). The children will be an arrayList of strings and because we want to pass this array with an

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Android Expandable List Example

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a simple Expandable List. 1. Create a new project and call your java class(the one that is generated by Eclipse or other IDE) “MyActivity”. 2. Go to res – layout -main.xml and put the following code: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=”” android:orientation=”vertical” android:layout_width=”fill_parent” android:layout_height=”fill_parent” >

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Android Database Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show how to use a database in Android by creating the tables and columns using the SQLite Database Browser.1. So the first step is to download the SQLite Database Browser2. Make a new project and name the main java class that generates with the project “MyActivity”. 3. Now you have to go

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Android TCP Connection Tutorial

In this tutorial we will make a TCP Connection. The server will be written in Java and the client will be written in Android. Actually it will be a very simple messenger client. Note: Now we have an enhanced version of TCP Connection here, but it’s just the code. For more details and explanations you still

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Android ListView with ViewHolder Tutorial

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple ListView with a custom ListAdapter. But first, let’s see why to use ListView. Why shouldn’t we use ScrollView instead, regarding that it’s easier to create? Well your questions are good ones :) . The advantage of the ListView is that it uses an

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