March 2019

Solutions, Tutorials

Xamarin Forms: ActivityIndicator Size

We all will need at some point to show an activity indicator when our app has to perform lenghty data processing operations or when we have to wait for our app to load content. In Xamarin Forms we can use in a xaml file this property called ActivityIndicator. Below is the result of the above […]

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Xamarin Forms: Circle With Label No Renderer

In your application you might need to create a Circle image with a text inside it or just a simple circle that needs different colors for status for example. In this case we can use a Frame and add CornerRadius property like this: As you can see, there are more properties added like HasShadow or

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Xamarin Forms: Label LineBreakMode

You can set a LineBreakMode attribute to a Label that can have the following values: TailTruncation HeadTruncation MiddleTruncation CharacterWrap WordWrap NoWrap TailTruncation If you have a text that is to large to fit the width of your label, you can use the attribute called LineBreakMode=TailTruncation. This will display a text with “…” at the end

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