June 2016


Android Studio can’t open Android Device Monitor

Problem Recently I had this issue: my Android Device Monitor didn’t open and and an error log file was generated every time I was tring to open it, under Android – sdk – tools – lib – monitor-x86_64 – configuration. Also, I have to mention that it happened on Windows. I googled it and found different answers but none […]


Android AdMob With Firebase

About Firebase First of all, you have to know that using AdMob with Firebase is optional, at least for now, and you can still integrate AdMob by importing compile ‘com.google.android.gms:play-services’ (like in this tutorial). But even if it is optional, it is recommended, as it brings all services like AdMob, Analytics, crash reporting and other services together in just

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Android Gradle Dependencies by Flavors

In a previous post about Gradle Flavors and Build Types, we mentioned that we can set different dependencies inside dependencies{} block by flavors, by build type or both combined. Below we will see an example for each situation. By flavors <flavorName>Compile apply plugin: ‘com.android.application’ android { compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion “23.0.3” defaultConfig { applicationId “com.example.diana.buildvariants” minSdkVersion 15 targetSdkVersion

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Did You Know?

Android About ConstraintLayout

DID YOU KNOW about ConstraintLayout?   Definition ConstraintLayout is a new type of layout introduced by Android, similar to RelativeLayout but more flexible, and it is used to position UI elements relative to other UI elements by using constraints. A constraint represent the rules we have to apply in order to position our UI elements relative to

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Android Free/Paid Versions Tutorial

There are situations when you might decide that you need to create 2 versions for your application: a free one and a paid one. So, in this tutorial, which is just a simple example (we will just set different colors for the 2 versions), we will see how to achieve this using flavors. Your project is

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Did You Know?

Android ApplicationId vs PackageName

You might wonder what is the difference between package name we have in AndroidManifest.xml file and ApplicationId we see in build.gradle. They seem to be the same thing, but actually they are 2 different things. So if you didn’t know what is the difference between these 2 properties, you can find out now. ApplicationId represents

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Android Build Types and Flavors

In this tutorial we will talk about Build Types and Flavors, for what are they used, what is the difference between them and what they have in common. Build Types When you work on a project, at some point you might need to run your app in release mode, or debug mode, or qa mode, or any other mode you

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