December 2014

Snippets, Solutions, Tutorial

Add links to a TextView in Android

Maybe you need to add links to a TextView on Android but you don’t want to use Linkify for some reasons and you also want that link to be opened when the user taps it. Here is a simple solution: yourTextView.setText(Html.fromHtml( “Text with a ” + “<a href=\”\”>link to My Android Solutions</a> “)); // this is […]

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Android ShareActionProvider Change Text Color

I think I spent 2 days in order to find a way of changing the text color of the ShareActionProvider. There are some posts on the internet but none worked for me. So I started to try myself each and every item attribute from @style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar. After a while I found the items I was looking for: <item name=”textAppearanceLargePopupMenu”>

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Android Lollipop Navigation Drawer Animation Support

In Android 5.0 (Lollipop) the Navigation Drawer has a very nice animation, the drawer icon changes into a back arrow when the slider is opened and changes back to default icon when the slider is closed. So far so good, if you develop an app for devices running only Android 5.0. But what if you

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