April 2014

Snippets, Solutions

Android Gradle & Manifest merge

[Deprecated] This post is now deprecated, the Manifest Merger has changed since my first post. You can find more about this on the android developers site. Manifest file & Gradle If you started using Android Studio and implicitly Gradle, or you just started using Gradle with other IDEs (like Intellij for example), then maybe you […]

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Android Canvas Issue Starting API Level 14

Recently I had to change the target SDK on one of my applications, but by doing that, I ran into some problems with the Android Canvas.  In this application I use an animation which simulates an explosion. So, I tested my app and I noticed that everything was working OK, until I changed the target

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Clear Fragment back stack

To clear the Fragments back stack of a FragmentManager, you could iterate through all back stack items and call popBackStack() but there is also a more elegant solution. Please see below: // in my case I get the support fragment manager, it should work with the native one too FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager(); // this

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Snippets, Solutions

Run code on main/UI thread on android

Android’s UI components are not thread safe so one may need to update Views or other UI components from a secondary thread when returning from an asynchronous database query or a web service call.  If you run the code from a secondary thread you might see that the code crashes almost on each try. Below

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