First Steps In Learning Android

If you want to start learning Android, but you don’t know where to start, what you should install or what do you need to know, you need to read this tutorial :D. I will show you the first “baby steps” in Android development.

In the first place you need to learn Java, but if you already have some knowledge about it,  almost half of the problem is solved :).

You will have to download and install: JDK 7,  and an IDE. As IDE I recommend Android Studio which has the Android SDK included.  

Baby Step 1: Install JDK 7

  • You can download the .exe file from here.
  • Now you have to choose the file that meets you computer Operating System (Ex. If you have Windows 64 bit you have to choose Windows x64 like in the picture below, for Windows 32 bit you should select the above one: Windows x86)
jdk windows
  • After the download is finished, install the JDK
Baby Step 2: Install Android Studio
  • You can download the Android Studio together with Android SDK from here.

Android Studio

  • After the download is finished start the installation.
NOTE: If you get an error when you try to install the SDK like in the picture below, you have to go to: Desktop – Right Click on MyComputer – Properties – Advanced System Settings – Environment Variables and set the JAVA_HOME as the error sais. Below the error image I will present how to set the environment variable.


In this last image, the Variable Value is the path where you JDK was installed. I installed it in C:\Program Files. Now the Android SDK should install without problem :)

  • After the installation is completed a new window named Android SDK manager should open. This window let you install the Android versions (2.2, 2.3, 4.0 etc). You can choose to install only what you need but I usually install everything. So, in order to install everything select “New” and “Install packages” like in the picture below.
  • Select the options like in the image below and click on Install. Now you must wait until the installation completes.
If some of the files are not installed select again the Install button until all the files are installed.
  • After the download is done run the Android Studio because now we will create our first project (a “Hello World ” project) in Android :D
Baby Step 4: “Hello World” Android Project
  • Before to create the new project we have to make some configurations for the project that will be created with Android Studio. So click on the “Configure” button.
  • Click on the “Project Defaults”
  • Click on the “Project Structure”
  • Set the SDK and JDK locations like in the picture (of course if you have them installed in another path you should set your path).
  • Go to path where your Android Sdk was installed. Mine was installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk. If you have Windows 32 bit it might be installed in Program Files (without x86)
Choose SDK location
  • Now a new window will open from where you can choose for which version of Android you want to develop. In this example I will let the last version (4.2.2). Press OK.
  • Press OK again and then go back until you get to the first screen.
  • Click on the “Create New Project”
  • Set the project name “Hello World” and the company domain (this will name your package too automatically but you can edit it)
configure new project
  • Click Next and select the Android API Level. Below, Android Studio gives you some information about the number of users who use that version of Android, which is pretty useful in my opinion.

select sdk

  • Click Next again and the following window will show up

add activity

Here as you can see we have different type of activities (screens). I recommend choosing the first one “Blank Activity” for the beginning.
  • Click Next and you will see the following window:

activity name

Here you have to give a name to your main activity. I let the default one “MyActivity” and I renamed only the layout name to “my_activity_layout” (this is an xml file where you will have to add UI elements for MyActivty screen).
  • Now click the Finish button
    Now the project should open. Your java classes will be created in the src directory in the com.example.helloworld package. As you can see a java class called “MyActivity” is already created (it was generated by Android Studio).
OK, well, our project is done. Now we have to run it. But in order to run our project we have to create an Emulator. 
Baby Step 5: Create The Emulator
  • Go to Tools – Android – AVD Manager
avd manager
  • A window will open. Click on the “New” button
  • Now you will have to select some options in order to create your emulator. You can choose the options like in the picture below but feel free to select whatever you want :D
  • Now that the emulator is ready too you can finally run your first Android project :D
  • And the result should be this:
And that’s all. I know that it might be overwhelming at first sight, but in time you will get use to it.
 I hope this tutorial will help you and feel free to ask for my help if you need it :D
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